The use of either too little or too much adhesive in the packaging production line creates various problems

The use of either too little or too much adhesive in the packaging production line creates various problems

The passage starts by acknowledging the challenges faced by adhesives in the packaging production line. It sets the stage for discussing the potential issues associated with using either too little or too much adhesive in production.

Using Too Little Adhesive:

- This section highlights the consequences of using insufficient adhesive. It points out that packages may accidentally open during various stages of production, storage, or distribution due to inadequate adhesive.
- It challenges the common assumption that using less adhesive reduces costs, emphasizing that this approach can actually lead to setbacks and packaging damage.
- The recommendation here is to ensure sufficient adhesive is used to create a secure bond, thereby avoiding potential problems caused by inadequate adhesion.

Using Too Much Adhesive:

- Conversely, this section addresses the problems that arise from using excessive adhesive. It points out that overapplication of adhesive is wasteful and can result in high costs and longer setup or adjustment times.
- Additionally, using too much adhesive can potentially damage the outer appearance of the package.
- The message is that applying more adhesive isn't necessarily better. Instead, collaboration with the adhesive supplier is recommended to determine the appropriate amount needed for the application, thus avoiding the pitfalls associated with excessive adhesive use.

Additional Considerations:

- The passage concludes by mentioning other factors that can impact the production line process, such as the brand of adhesive, the type of adhesive applied (e.g., granular adhesive), and even the age of the adhesive.
- These factors underscore the complexity of adhesive usage in the production line and emphasize the importance of considering various variables to optimize performance.

Overall, the passage aims to raise awareness about the potential pitfalls of improper adhesive usage in the production line and emphasizes the need for careful consideration and collaboration with suppliers to ensure optimal outcomes.

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